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Unexpected token function in node callback

I'm really new to node and callbacks. I'm working on a Nodeschool problem: to return the data of three given URLs in order using callbacks. I put the results of the three URLs in an object, to keep track of them in order. However I keep failing the tests because, I think, the URL object is being returned before I put all the URLs in it.


Here's the offending function. It keeps telling me "SyntaxError: Unexpected token function." But when I put console.log(urlObj[url]) into its own function and called it by name in storeUrl , I don't think it was run after the if statements...

function storeUrl(url, info, function(url) {
    // Only log after all the checking is done
} ){
// add data to a dict? or something? 
// to keep track of them???
if(url == url1){
    urlObj[url1] = info;

if(url == url2){
    urlObj[url2] = info;

if(url == url3){
    urlObj[url3] = info;


Here is my entire file:

var http = require('http');
var bl = require('bl');
var url1 = process.argv[2];
var url2 = process.argv[3];
var url3 = process.argv[4];
var urlObj = {};
urlObj[url1] = '';
urlObj[url2] = '';
urlObj[url3] = '';

function firstUrl(callback, callback){

function startItOff(){
    firstUrl(function secondUrl(contents){
    }, function thirdUrl(contents){

    // This is what I ultimately want: 
    // A log of the data of each URL, in order, on its own line:
    for (item in urlObj){

// Above this line is ok,
// now trying to retrieve the url only after 
// getting the right one. The getHttp shows
// them in the right order, but retrieveHttp
// doesn't have an order to it.

function getHttp(url){

    middleman(url, retrieveHttp);


function middleman(url, callback){

function retrieveHttp(url){

    http.get(url, function(res){

        if (err) return Error('Error');
        storeUrl(url, data.toString(), callback);



function storeUrl(url, info, function(url) {
} ){
    // add data to a dict? or something? 
    // to keep track of them???
    if(url == url1){
    urlObj[url1] = info;

    if(url == url2){
    urlObj[url2] = info;

    if(url == url3){
    urlObj[url3] = info;

    // Also trying to log the data from the URLs here:



This line is a syntax error:

function storeUrl(url, info, function(url) {
// Only log after all the checking is done -->

So when Node says its a syntax error, its not lying :). When you are defining the arguments to a function which is what you are doing there, you can't include the word function.

This would be valid syntax:

function storeUrl(url, info, callback) {

I recommend not trying to learn Node and Javascript at the same time. Learn Javascript basics and debugging, then callbacks, then tackle Node.

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