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Excel VBA count numbers before and after decimal

Im trying to count the numbers before and after a decimal place.

For example 1452.13 before would be 4 before and after would be 2.

The value is stored in a string i think i may need to use the len with find but cannot figure it out?

would appreciate any help.

There a loads of ways. eg here

This is quite a fast technique to find digits after the decimal point.

It can be copied and modified to find the places before the decimal point

Function CountDecimalPlaces(aNumber As Double) As Long

    Dim len1 As Long, len2 As Long
    len1 = Len(CStr(aNumber))
    len2 = Len(CStr(Int(aNumber)))
    CountDecimalPlaces = len1 - len2 + CLng(len1 <> len2)

End Function

Function CountInteger(aNumber As Double) As Long

    CountInteger = Len(CStr(Int(aNumber)))

End Function

Neither of the above rely on you decimal character being a "."

Can I play too? :D

Num = 1452.13
Debug.Print Len(Split(Num, ".")(0)) '<~~ Length of number before decimal
Debug.Print Len(Split(Num, ".")(1)) '<~~ Length of number After decimal   


I am assuming that you will pass only decimals. But to make it foolproof, you can use this

Num = 1452

Debug.Print Len(Split(Num, ".")(0)) '<~~ Length of number before decimal

If InStr(1, Num, ".") Then Debug.Print Len(Split(Num, ".")(1)) _
Else Debug.Print 0 '<~~ Length of number After decimal

Using an excel formula you would be best to use the following (fast) formulas


=LEN(A1) - IF(INT(A1)-A1,1,0) - LEN(INT(A1))

That is, if your decimal character is a dot.

If you are working with Microsoft Word:

Sub dot()

Dim Num As Variant
Num = 1452.13
MsgBox "You number: " & Num
MsgBox "Length of number before decimal: " & Len(Split(Num, ".")(0))
MsgBox "Length of number After decimal: " & Len(Split(Num, ".")(1))

End Sub

Based on Siddharth Rout answer

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