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ng-click is not working if the element is generated by directive

I am creating a directive in angularJS which will replace my custom element with some elements (pagination), the elements which are generated by the directive has ng-click attribute and the value of ng-click attribute is the function of controller but the ng-click is not working

The element is

<my-element totalCount="5"></my-element>

The controller is

    $scope.function1 = function(value){
        console.log('in function1 value = '+value);

The directive is

        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
            totalCount: '@'
        template: '<ul class="pagination"></ul>`,
        controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs){
            $scope.draw = function(){
                for (var i=1; i<=$scope.totalCount; i++){
                    var link = $('<li><a href="javascript:;" ng-click="function1('+i+');">'+i+'</a></li>');
        link: function(scope, element, attr, controller){
            attr.$observe('totalCount', function(){

But when I click on the <li> element the function1 of AppController is not invoked.


Actually my directive has the isolate-scope and if I compile the element with $($element).append($compile(link)($scope)); then the element linked with the directive's scope but I want to compile the element with parent's scope


I have made some changes in my-element like

<my-element totalCount="5" func-to-call="function1()"></my-element>

In directive

            totalCount: '@',
            funcToCall: '&'
        controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs){
            $scope.draw = function(){
                var link = $('<li><a href="javascript:;" ng-click="function2('+i+');">'+i+'</a></li>');
            $scope.function2 = function(value){
                console.log('function2 value = '+value);

in this case function2 of directive scope is calling and printing the value in console but $scope.funcToCall(value) is giving the error as

TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'function1' in <3>



You have an isolated scope in your directive , to access the parent function you will need to pass that function and for that you can use "&" in your directive.

    totalCount: '@',
    fnt : '&'

bind it to ng-click ng-click="fnt()"

and to pass it from the parent the element will be like this :

<my-element totalCount="5" fnt="parentFunction"></my-element>

You need to use $compile before adding it in DOM like,

var link = '<li><a href="javascript:;" ng-click="function1('+i+');">'+i+'</a></li>';

This problem is similar to Dynamic content added with AngularJS click event not working on the added content

Update: You can pass = control for bi-directional binding like,

scope: {
  control: '='

Final Updated no need to add another call $scope.$parent.function1(value); in your function2 call like,

$scope.function2 = function(value){
    console.log('function2 value = '+value);


To invoke external function (controller function) in your case from directive when directive has isolated scope set, need to pass the controller function to directive like below.

<my-element func-to-call="function1" total-count="5"></my-element>

Then this function will be available in directive as local isolated scope as

scope: { totalCount: '@', funcToCall: '&' },

Further we can have function inside directive controller to call this external function (of course there are other ways too) like

$scope.function2 = function(value){       

Then finally we can call $scope.function2 in directive's element like var link = $('<li><a ng-click="function2('+i+');">'+i+'</a></li>');

Below is the complete directive code.

app.directive('myElement', function($compile){
  restrict: 'E',
  replace: true,
  scope: {
    totalCount: '@',
    funcToCall: '&' 
  template: '<ul class="pagination"></ul>',
  controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs){

    $scope.draw = function(){
      for (var i=1; i<$scope.totalCount; i++){
        var link = $('<li><a ng-click="function2('+i+');">'+i+'</a></li>');

    $scope.function2 = function(value){
      //console.log('function2 value = '+value);
  link: function(scope, element, attr, controller){

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