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Weird issue on Drupal 7 site

For the first time in my 3 Years of development I deals with a problem that I can't figure out how and why happens.

It is on http://idealpvc.ba

If you scroll down to the bottom of every page you will se:

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

Apache Server at www.idealpvc.ba Port 80

I tried to find issue in Network Tab but I can't see any of request that have error 404 .

Also, I'm looking to find any by this values, html tags ( http://prntscr.com/8eojsm ) but there is nothing.

Is it possible that site is hacked and something is injected ?

Any suggestion?


When I load the url, I get a 404 error for bembasa.mp3 I think the reason for this is this line <source src="http://idealpvc.ba/bembasa.mp3" type="audio/ogg">

Regarding the 404 error, you may have to check the access log, to know what exactly is the url this is being requested which is throwing the 404 exception.

1 - You have to check index in tpl to prevent errors message , on your site http://www.idealpvc.ba/i have message after relaoding :

Notice: Undefined offset: 3 in include() (line 41 of /home/idealpvc/public_html/sites/all/themes/Porto/templates/page/page.tpl.php).

Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in include() (line 41 of /home/idealpvc/public_html/sites/all/themes/Porto/templates/page/page.tpl.php).

2 - Have you XHR request or file_get_contents in any own modules ?

3 - Check page.tpl or html.tpl if everything is fine

4 - Use drush to see logs in same time loading page with this command line : drush wd-show --tail

5 - Check apache log with comme line : tail -f /my/path/to/apache/log.log

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