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Facebook Marketing API - Accessing Ad Impressions

I have recently been looking at the Facebook Marketing API and I'm looking to retrieve the impressions via the ads. I know that you used to be able to use getStats( *fields*, *params* ) however that was deprecated in 2.4.

So I'm looking for an alternative method. So far I have managed to obtain the ad object:

/* Require autoload */

$_CONFIG = array(
    'accountID' => '****',   
    'campaignID' => '****',   
    'accessToken' => '****',   
    'appSecret' => '****',   
    'appID' => '****',  

$appsecret_proof = hash_hmac('sha256', $_CONFIG['accessToken'], $_CONFIG['appSecret']);  

use FacebookAds\Api;
Api::init($_CONFIG['appID'], $_CONFIG['appSecret'], $_CONFIG['accessToken'], $appsecret_proof);

use FacebookAds\Object\AdUser;
use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdAccountFields;
use FacebookAds\Object\AdCampaign;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdCampaignFields;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdGroupFields;
use FacebookAds\Object\AdGroup;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdSetFields;
use FacebookAds\Object\AdSet;

$me = new AdUser('me');
$accounts = $me->getAdAccounts();

// Output account ID
foreach ($accounts as $account) {
  echo $account_id = $account->id;
   echo "----";

$account = new AdAccount($account_id);

$fields = array(

$campaigns = $account->getAdCampaigns($fields);

<table border="1" bordercolor="#6699CC" style="width:100%">
<th bgcolor="#336699" style="color:#FFF">Campaign_id</th>
<th bgcolor="#336699" style="color:#FFF">Campaign Name</th>
<th bgcolor="#336699" style="color:#FFF">Status</th>
<th bgcolor="#336699" style="color:#FFF">Impressions</th>
<th bgcolor="#336699" style="color:#FFF">Clicks</th>
<th bgcolor="#336699" style="color:#FFF">Spent</th>

foreach ($campaigns as $campaign) {

<td><?php echo $campaign->id; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $campaign->name; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $campaign->campaign_group_status ?></td>


$fields = array (

$params = array (
    'date_preset'=> 'yesterday',
    'data_columns'=>  "['adgroup_id','actions','spend']",

$adsets = $campaign->getAdSets(array(

// Output name of ad sets.
foreach ($adsets as $adset) {
  echo $adset->{AdSetFields::NAME}.PHP_EOL . ' -- ADSET --</br>';
    $adset = new AdSet($adset->id);
    $adgroups = $adset->getAdGroups(array(

    // Outputs names of Ad Groups.
    foreach ($adgroups as $adgroup) {
      //echo $adgroup->{AdGroupFields::NAME} . ' -- AD -- </BR>';
        echo $adgroup->id;


However, I cannot seem to find any trace of impressions through their updated API. Could somebody please help me?

Many thanks in advance!

In general, since v2.4 all reports are accessed off the /insights edge of the appropriate ad object (ad, ad set, campaign, ad account) - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/insights/v2.4

For just the lifetime impressions of a specific ad, this API call will return it (ID ommitted):



  "data": [
      "impressions": "2535",
      "date_start": "2015-09-09",
      "date_stop": "2015-09-16"

You can set your own date ranges, breakdowns, other fields, etc too

If you're using that Ads-specific PHP SDK and not the main SDK, there's sample code in the documentation too - the equivalent call to my API call above would be

$params = array ( 'fields' => 'insights' );
$insights = $ad->getInsights(null, $params);
print_r ($insights);

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