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d3 append simple area

I want to append simple area to my chart with end points of area values as constants.

percentArea = d3.svg.area()

I want to append this area directly and give it a color fill. Thanks for help. I am having specially hard time trying to get the area fill. The chart shows a line over the area but no fill when I tried.

Edit: Trying to make the question more clear and specific : The issue I face is only when I try to call my function without passing data. The area fill works as expected when I call percentArea(data). However I am unable to understand why I must pass data when endpoints of my area are constant.

You need to ensure that the path you have rendered is being filled. There are two ways you can do this:

Set a Style

path.style("fill", "steelblue");

Set a class and leverage CSS

path.attr("class", "filled-area");

// In CSS
.filled-area {
    fill: steelblue;

Here's a quick example:

Area Chart with a Stroke:


Area Chart with no fill

As you can see this defaults to black


Area Chart with correct fill


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