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How to change attribute value dynamically in jquery?

I have three set of columns. Each column having a different kind of data attribute name with integer value. The data attribute name value will change incremently 500 based on length of div.

This is my html structure,

<div class="column">
  <div data-0="100"></div>
  <div data-500="200"></div>
  <div data-1000="300"></div>
<div class="column">
  <div data-1500="400"></div>
  <div data-{increase value from prev child}="{increase value from prev child}"></div>
  <div data-increase value from prev child="{increase value from prev child}"></div>
<div data-{increase value from prev child}="{increase value from prev child}"></div>
  <div data-increase value from prev child="{increase value from prev child}"></div>
<div class="column">
  <div data-{increase value from prev child}="{increase value from prev child}"></div>
  <div data-increase value from prev child="{increase value from prev child}"></div>
<div data-{increase value from prev child}="{increase value from prev child}"></div>
  <div data-increase value from prev child="{increase value from prev child}"></div>
<div data-{increase value from prev child}="{increase value from prev child}"></div>
  <div data-increase value from prev child="{increase value from prev child}"></div>

How to achieve this logic with jquery?

This is one of the ways to do it. Look for comments inline.

//All columns
var $columns = $(".column");
//Grab the first div from the first column
var $firstColumnFirstChild = $columns.first().find("div").first();
//Grab the data attribute name (0) from '$firstColumnFirstChild' and convert it to number
var $firstColumnFirstChildKey = parseInt(Object.keys($firstColumnFirstChild.data()), 10);
//Set initial value
var $initial = 100;

//Go thru each div in all columns
$columns.find("div").each(function(_, elem) {

    //Set data attribute (name and value)
    $(elem).attr("data-" + $firstColumnFirstChildKey, $initial);
    //Increment for future divs
    $firstColumnFirstChildKey += 500;
    $initial += 100;

Here is a demo for the above.

Updated example with requirements: https://jsfiddle.net/ozvkdw1p/1/

$(function() {
    var $col = $(".column")
    //grab first attribute of first element, extract values
    var initAttr = $("div", $col).get(0).attributes[0]
    var initName = parseInt(initAttr.name.split("-")[1])
    var initValue = parseInt(initAttr.value)
    $("div", $col).each(function() {
        $(this).removeAttr(this.attributes[0].name) //remove first attribute
        $(this).attr("data-" + initName, initValue) //add attribute with correct values
        //increment values for next iteration
        initName += 500 
        initValue += 100

Grabs the data from the firts element, then updates the other elements with incrementing values

You could archive this more easier using AngularJS framework. With this is is quite easy to combine javascript values with hmtl (-attributes, .. )

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