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Split domains in different sub menus in symfony sonata admin bundle


I'm working with Symfony '2.7' / Sonata Admin 'dev-master' / IbrowsSonataTranslationBundle '2.7'

Here is my code in sonata_admin.yml :

            label:           sonata_administration
            label_catalogue: SonataAdminBundle
            icon:            '<i class="fa fa-cogs"></i>'
                - sonata.user.admin.user
                - sonata.user.admin.group
                #- sonata.page.admin.site
                # - sonata.notification.admin.message
                - ibrows_sonata_translation.admin.orm

So my problème is that i need to separate domains in different submenus if it's possible, does anyone know how to go through this.

I have three domains : messages, routes, system


I am not sure if this is the answer that you are looking for.

in your src/AppBundle/Resources/config/admin.yml are the entities listed that you can edit in the Sonata adminBundle. under tags look for group: and change the value after group:

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