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How to plot two bar charts in the same graph using ggplot2?

I would like to have two bar charts on the same plot.

Let's say these two bar charts will be based on a variable Var1 with two levels ( Var1 is a column in the table). I have the frequencies in the same table where x represents the counts and y represents different levels of interest. If I use the below code, then I get them on the same plot but it shows the results for two levels of Var1 on the same bar for a level of y . I would like to have two bars side by side representing two levels of Var1 for a level of y . How do I do that? Thanks!

ggplot(data,aes(x,y,fill=Var1)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")

geom_bar添加position = "dodge"

ggplot(data,aes(x,y,fill=Var1)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", position = "dodge")

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