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Javascript Changing HTML's CSS Attributes in the 'onmouseover' event

I need to change the border color of my HTML <li> element when the user takes the cursor over the item and also to change the cursor icon when the mouse is over the item. I tried this, but it says "syntax error"


<li class="post-item-parent-div" onmouseover="onItemHover(this)" >
    <!-- More HTML Code -->


function onItemHover(x) {

    x.border-top = "12px solid #0084FD";
    x.border-left = "12px solid #0084FD";
    x.cursor = "pointer";

I'm very new to Javascript, so please help out :)

Why not use the :hover selector?

    border-top: 12px solid #0084FD;
    border-left: 12px solid #0084FD;
    cursor: pointer;

JSFiddle example: https://jsfiddle.net/zt66jf39/

You need to change the css property names like below, as the style names with - can't be directly used in javascript.

See CSS Properties Reference for the reference names of css properties in javacsript

 function onItemHover(x) { x.style.borderTop = "12px solid #0084FD"; x.style.borderLeft = "12px solid #0084FD"; x.style.cursor = "pointer"; } 
 <ul> <li class="post-item-parent-div" onmouseover="onItemHover(this)"> some code </li> </ul> 

But also note that the mouseover event will get triggered when you move to another element within the same parent li , so you might consider using the mouseenter event

 function onItemHover(x) { snippet.log('on over') } function onEnter(x) { snippet.log('on enter'); x.style.borderTop = "12px solid #0084FD"; x.style.borderLeft = "12px solid #0084FD"; x.style.cursor = "pointer"; } 
 <!-- Provides the `snippet` object, see http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/242144/134069 --> <script src="http://tjcrowder.github.io/simple-snippets-console/snippet.js"></script> <ul> <li class="post-item-parent-div" onmouseover="onItemHover(this)" onmouseenter="onEnter(this)"> some code <span>in span</span> <a href="#">in link</a> </li> </ul> 

This will do:

function onItemHover(x) {
   x.setAttribute("style", "border-top: 12px solid #0084FD; border-left: 12px solid #0084FD;cursor:pointer;");

Add this code

    var item = document.getElementById("button");
item.addEventListener("mouseover", func, false);
item.addEventListener("mouseout", func1, false);

function func()
{  // not needed since item is already global, 
   // I am assuming this is here just because it's sample code?
   // var item = document.getElementById("button"); 
   item.setAttribute("style", "background-color:blue;")

function func1()
   item.setAttribute("style", "background-color:green;")

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