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Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag with line break tag


return (<a href="{this.props.url}">{this.props.name}</a><br>)

also attempted with

return (<a href="{this.props.url}">{this.props.name}</a><br />)

While the script does run without issue, the JSX compiler is upset by the <br> tag, since its a lone wolf in the logic and has no open/close tag it just is.

if on the other hand I remove the <br>

return (<a href="{this.props.url}">{this.props.name}</a>)

there is no error thrown, pretty self explanatory as far as what the issue is. The question however is how to resolve the underlying problem. how can I have that tag (or its equivalent if need be). Be added after every one of the above rendering statements.

Things to assume, this is a loop of urls/names that generate an html list of links on the page. Everything minus this factor thus far works.

The underlying issue overall is a issue of aesthetics. I am using bootstrap, and in that things are fairly uniform and I have no desire to create one-off classes or inline styles to accommodate the line-break. This is just purely for the sake of maintainability down the road.

You need a wrapping root tag:

    <a href={this.props.url}>{this.props.name}</a>

You can render many 'tags' with a Component, but it MUST be within a 'parent tag', just like Eelke said.

Another way to do so is to declare a variable within render() function and return it:

    var step;
        step = (
            <p>A pessoa chamada {this.props.name} eh um homem! </p>
        step = (
            <p>A pessoa chamada {this.props.name} eh uma mulher! </p>
    return step;

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