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How can I change cbuttoncolumn label dynamically in yii cgridview

I am trying to change cbuttoncolumn label dyanamically. But somehow it does not work. My code is

             'label'=>'$data->content_type == 1 ? "View & Publish" : "Publish"',

How can i do this??

You can just create a new column with custom links, something like this:

In your model :

public function getMyValue(){
    $linkOne = CHtml::link("$this->labelOne", Yii::app()->createUrl("model/action",array("id"=>$this->id)));
    $linkTwo = CHtml::link("$this->labelTwo", Yii::app()->createUrl("model/action",array("id"=>$this->id)));
    return $linkOne.' '.$linkTwo;

And in your CGridView :

            'type' => 'raw',
            'header' => 'Manage',
            'value' => '$data->getMyValue()',


Or, you can use the visible attribute in CButtonColumn :

             'visible' => '$data->content_type != "1"',
             'label'=>'View & Publish',
             'visible' => '$data->content_type == "1"',

Hope that helps :)

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