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TypeError: $(...).lightGallery(...).destroy is not a function

I am getting this error from firefox:

TypeError: $(...).lightGallery(...).destroy is not a function

I am using following plugin for play video and show image gallery https://github.com/sachinchoolur/lightGallery .

I want re-initialize lightGallery because I am using ajax to add element dynamically in container. It was working fine with previous version of lightGallery but it is not working with current version.

I am using following code.

// destroy previous gallery
  selector : '.image_gallery',
  videojs: true,
  download: false

// re-initialize
  selector: '.image_gallery',
  videojs: true,
  download: false

Please suggest.


The following code works for me:

$lg.on('onBeforeClose.lg',function(event, index, fromTouch, fromThumb){



You have to use the following method to destroy lightgallery version 1.2.x.

var $lg = $('#lightGallery2');

  selector : '.image_gallery',
  videojs: true,
  download: false


Here is the docs

For destroy data you should add data attribute to your gallery then destroy it, for example if you apply gallery to all links:

var myGallery = 'body',
    lightgallery = function() {
         $( myGallery ).attr('data-lightGallery', '1');
         $( myGallery ).lightGallery({selector: 'a[href$=".jpg"], a[href$=".jpeg"], a[href$=".png"], a[href$=".gif"]'});


$( myGallery ).data('lightGallery').destroy(true);

I simply created a global variable. It allows me to perform the desired function.

var PLUGIN; // global variable
if(PLUGIN) PLUGIN.data('lightGallery').destroy(true); // destroy 
PLUGIN = $("#lightGallery2").lightGallery();

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