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How do you change the font size in RMarkdown for Knitr

I created a Knitr document and I want to adjust the font size for the text that is NOT in the chunks. It currently appears too small and want to increase it.

Currently I am just writing a line like this:

Example text

And that will make it larger but I can't control the font size. This is for an HTML document

For .Rmd files, you can affect the HTML header size using different numbers of # characters, instead of the alternative underlined form which only gives you H1 and H2 sizes in HTML. The # syntax gives you H1 - H6. Note that this is not a knitr issue, bur rather an attribute of Markdown. As explained here , these correspond in the following way:

# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6

Alternatively, for H1 and H2, an underline-ish style:



Works in StackOverflow markdown too, at least until H3:

This is H2

This is H3, smaller "font size"

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