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How to properly export an ES6 class in Node 4?

I defined a class in a module:

"use strict";

var AspectTypeModule = function() {};
module.exports = AspectTypeModule;

var AspectType = class AspectType {
    // ...    

module.export.AspectType = AspectType;

But I get the following error message:

TypeError: Cannot set property 'AspectType' of undefined
    at Object.<anonymous> (...\AspectType.js:30:26)
    at Module._compile (module.js:434:26)

How should I export this class and use it in another module? I have seen other SO questions, but I get other error messages when I try to implement their solutions.

If you are using ES6 in Node 4, you cannot use ES6 module syntax without a transpiler, but CommonJS modules (Node's standard modules) work the same.


should be


hence the error message "Cannot set property 'AspectType' of undefined" because module.export === undefined .

Also, for

var AspectType = class AspectType {
    // ...    

can you just write

class AspectType {
    // ...    

and get essentially the same behavior.

// person.js
'use strict';

module.exports = class Person {
   constructor(firstName, lastName) {
       this.firstName = firstName;
       this.lastName = lastName;

   display() {
       console.log(this.firstName + " " + this.lastName);

// index.js
'use strict';

var Person = require('./person.js');

var someone = new Person("First name", "Last name");

With ECMAScript 2015 you can export and import multiple classes like this

class Person
        this.type = "Person";

class Animal{
        this.type = "Animal";

module.exports = {

then where you use them:

const { Animal, Person } = require("classes");

const animal = new Animal();
const person = new Person();

In case of name collisions, or you prefer other names you can rename them like this:

const { Animal : OtherAnimal, Person : OtherPerson} = require("./classes");

const animal = new OtherAnimal();
const person = new OtherPerson();


// aspect-type.js
class AspectType {


export default AspectType;

Then to import it

// some-other-file.js
import AspectType from './aspect-type';

Read http://babeljs.io/docs/learn-es2015/#modules for more details

class expression can be used for simplicity.

 // Foo.js
'use strict';

// export default class Foo {}
module.exports = class Foo {}


// main.js
'use strict';

const Foo = require('./Foo.js');

let Bar = new class extends Foo {
  constructor() {
    this.name = 'bar';


I simply write it this way

in the AspectType file:

class AspectType {
  //blah blah
module.exports = AspectType;

and import it like this:

const AspectType = require('./AspectType');
var aspectType = new AspectType;

Several of the other answers come close, but honestly, I think you're better off going with the cleanest, simplest syntax. The OP requested a means of exporting a class in ES6 / ES2015. I don't think you can get much cleaner than this:

'use strict';

export default class ClassName {
  constructor () {

I had the same problem. What i found was i called my recieving object the same name as the class name. example:

const AspectType = new AspectType();

this screwed things up that way... hope this helps

Sometimes I need to declare multiple classes in one file, or I want to export base classes and keep their names exported because of my JetBrains editor understands that better. I just use

global.MyClass = class MyClass { ... };

And somewhere else:

class MySubclass extends MyClass() { ... }

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