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zend won't recognize registered namespace

I'm using the Zend Standard Autoloader. It's registering one namespace, but it won't register the other. This is my code:

$zflib = $_SERVER['SERVER_ROOT'].'/classes/Zend_Framework_2/2.3.2/library';
$loader = new Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader(array('autoregister_zf' => true));
// Library
// Dealer Library
$loader->registerNamespace('Dealers', $_SERVER['SERVER_ROOT'].'/dealers/classes');

I then have basic setup like this in the dealers/classes directory:



namespace Dealers\Models;

class Model {
     * The table this model uses
     * @var string
    protected $table;

Coop Model:


namespace Dealers\Models\Coop;

use Dealers\Models\Model;

class Coop extends Model {
     * The table this model uses
     * @var string
    protected $table = 'coop';

    public static function testing()
        return 'testing';

In my application I'm including that config file BEFORE anything else.



use Dealers\Model\Coop;
echo CoopBalance::testing();

I'm getting this error message:

Fatal error: Class 'Dealers\\Models\\Model' not found in \\www\\dealers\\classes\\coop\\Coop.php on line 7

Which is where this line is in my Coop Model:

class Coop extends Model

Thanks for any help!

The ZF2 standard autoloader is a PSR-0 compliant autoloader. So your classes should be at dealers/classes/Dealers/Models/Model.php and dealers/classes/Dealers/Models/Coop/Coop.php (case sensitive) to get autoloaded properly (each 'part' of the namespace should be a folder).

Also, if at all possible I'd recommend using Composer to install ZF2 (or whichever components you're using). Then you wouldn't need to configure the autoloader yourself at all.

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