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How to temporarily enlarge font size on hover using jQuery

Hi There Just Ran Into A Small Problem i have a column with text in it and i have evoked some code that makes the font of the text get bigger when hovering over the column

    $("p").css("fontSize", "30px");


but how do i get the font to return back to the original size.

I hope this is not a stupid question You guys.

Honestly i have spent a miserable 12 minutes looking through past threads about the issue i am going through Thanks.

Sorry If it is a dumb one

Use CSS instead, and spare yourself the javascript headache:

    #column3 p {font-size: 10px}
    #column3 p:hover {font-size: 30px}

If on the other hand you want to enlarge ALL p s within the container, when hovering over the container itself , you could place the the :hover on the container, like so:

    #column3 p {font-size: 10px}
    #column3:hover p {font-size: 30px}

Note the ever so subtle difference!

Meanwhile, in javascript, make sure the javascript is inactive while you test it out:

        $("p").css("fontSize", "30px");

This seems to work and I have a fiddle below to prove it.. any questions?

 $(document).ready( function(){
        var size = $("#column3").css("fontSize");
                    $(this).css("fontSize", "30px");
                    $(this).css("fontSize", size);


<div id="column3">test</div>


EDIT if you want to change the size of the p specifically .

      var size = $("#column3").css("fontSize");
                $(this).find("p").css("fontSize", "30px");
                $(this).find("p").css("fontSize", size);

To change the font-size you gotta use "font-size". Have a look in below js code


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