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How to save an image into a database?

I am using WPF to insert an image to my MySQL database. I can upload the file to image control but I don't know how to save it.

Here is what I've done so far. The emp_image is the image control that displays the photo.

private void btn_save_image_click(object sender,...)   
    Mysqlconnection cn= new mysqlconnection(connectionstring);    
    byte[] imagedata;    
    imagedata=File.ReadAllBytes(emp_img);  //..here is error,it says has invalid arguments..//
    mysqlcommand= new mysqlcommand("insert into dep_table(photo)values(?data)",cn);    
    cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("?data", imagedata);    

you need to convert the image source to byte[] :

public static byte[] ImageToArray(BitmapSource image)
    var encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();

    using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
        return stream.ToArray();

Then, call the function:

imagedata = ImageToArray((BitmapSource)emp_img.Source);

Seems you are not passing the file path.

Please check File::ReadAllBytes Method

Should be something like

var imagedata=File.ReadAllBytes(filepath);

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