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jQuery UI autocomplete doesn't work in rails app

I want to use jQuery UI autocomplete function in my rails app. I get a example in jQuery website and want to make it in my rails app. jquery-rails and jquery-ui-rails all have been installed.

I added the below codes to application.js

$(function() {
    var availableTags = [
    $( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
      source: availableTags

add some codes to show.html.erb :

<div class="ui-widget">
  <label for="tags">Tags: </label>
  <input id="tags">

but doesn't autocomplete when I input something(like: "ja"..)

Anyone can help me, thanks in advance!

Try this:

In your gemfile

gem 'rails3-jquery-autocomplete'
`bundle install`

In your application.js

//= require autocomplete-rails

In your controller

autocomplete :model_name, :column_name, :full => true

In your routes

resources :controller_name do
  get :autocomplete_model_name_column_name, :on => :collection

In your view

<%= autocomplete_field_tag 'column_name', '', autocomplete_model_name_column_name_controller_name_path %>

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