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Windows Phone 8.1 runtime: How to launch the photo gallery app from my own app?

I know it could be done this way

 Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new System.Uri(""));

but I don't know the uri of the default app to show the photo gallery. Or is there another way?

Unfortunatelly if you want just open pictures app, this is impossible. Not all applications support launching by uri and we have very poor documentation.

List of supported apps is avaiable for example here (this is the biggest): http://blog.mrlacey.co.uk/2014/03/1192-windows-phone-apps-that-have.html

You can just pick photo using FileOpenpicker ( http://windowsapptutorials.com/windows-phone/media/using-fileopenpicker-in-windows-phone-8-1-to-choose-picture-from-picture-gallery/ ).

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