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how to use different closure types in swift

I am studying the clussures in swift but i dont really get the difference between these function types and what is the point of these defferences .I do understand the first and the second one somehow but the last one makes me commpletely confused . for example :

 func performMagic (thingy : String ){ 
      return thingy 


var newMagicFunction ={
  (thingy : String) -> String in 
return thingy


var addeFunction : (Int , Int) -> Int ={
  (a : Int , b : Int) -> Int in 
return a + b


the only real difference between the last one and the 2nd last one, is that the type of the var is being declared in the last one, and the type of the var is inferred from what is being assigned to it in the 2nd one. (besides the obvious functionality difference) eg, you could swap them around sort of

var newMagicFunction : String -> String = {
  (thingy : String) -> String in 
  return thingy

var addeFunction = {
  (a : Int , b : Int) -> Int in 
  return a + b

which are equivalent to the above ones you posted

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