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How can I customize the format of Python output?

I know basically nothing about python (I did know about it before but never took the time to try it out). I've started using python because I'm doing an A level course in computer science.

I wanted to know how to center align the output ?

What I've done to "center" align is:

print ("------(<< the spaces didnt show up in post, so i used "-"'s)How long have you been alive")

But I feel that its the wrong technique to use, how do I do it properly? Also, is it possible to change the colours of the output/runned view for example have a title black and other writing blue, and the background yellow.

The method center() returns centered in a string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fillchar. Default filler is a space.


str.center(width[, fillchar])

You could refer to the links below.



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