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Execute a charge from existing customer with card in Stripe out of iOS

I have a very hard time figuring out how to do this from the iOS app programmatically.

Im using (besides other) the following classes from github: https://github.com/hybrdthry911/ELStripe

Class: ELCharge.m

+(ELCharge *)charge{
   return [[ELCharge alloc]init];

(*****************code in between ************************)

 //Will attempt to charge either a customer or card. Exactly one must exist   
per charge. If multiple or neither exist an exception will be raised.
//Warning: This is the final step it will APPLY A CHARGE TO THE 

    [ELCharge createCharge:self completion:handler];

+(void)createCharge:(ELCharge *)charge completion
 NSError *chargeError;
     if (![charge validForProcessingWithError:&chargeError]) {

     if (!chargeError) {
          [ELStripe executeStripeCloudCodeWithMethod:@"POST"    
           prefix:@"charges" parameters:[ELCharge 
           dictionaryForCreatingCharge:charge] completionHandler:^(id 
           jsonObject, NSError *error) {

In the iOS class, I do the following in order to create a test charge:

//create an automatic charge in stripe from an existing customer with card   
attached to him
-(void) executeChargeInStripe:(UIButton*)sender

     ELCharge *charge = [ELCharge charge];

    //Assign the charge properties
    charge.customerID = @"cus_72xvQI6Q5IC9it";
    charge.currency = @"USD";
    NSNumber *chargeAmount = [NSNumber numberWithInt:111];
    charge.amountInCents = chargeAmount;

//Call ChargeMethod from Github Framework
[ELCharge createCharge:charge completion:^(ELCharge *charge, NSError 
*error)    {
    if (!error)  {
    //code for normal handling
        NSLog(@"Charge has been made successfully");
    } else {
        // error code handling
        NSLog(@"Charge NOT made");



Im passing this to the following clould code:

Parse.Cloud.define("stripeHTTPRequest", function(request, response) 
//Check for valid pre/suf/postfixes, if they are not there do not include    
var prefix = request.params["prefix"];
var suffix = "";
var postfix = "";
var secondPostfix = "";
if (!isEmpty(request.params["suffix"])) suffix =  
if (!isEmpty(request.params["postfix"])) postfix = 
if (!isEmpty(request.params["secondPostfix"])) secondPostfix = 

 //call from parse to stripe done by http request as parse/stripe api 
        method: request.params["method"],
        //Create URL from base url and pre/suf/postfixes
        url: 'https://'+STRIPE_API_BASE_URL + prefix + suffix + postfix + 
               headers: {
                  'Authorization': "Bearer " + STRIPE_SECRET_KEY
              success: function(httpResponse) 
               //response text is a json dictionary
        error: function(httpResponse) 

Im now getting the following error: Charge NOT made (my error message from the IOS class I created).

Im really surprised that I recieve neither an error in Parse Cloud nor in Stripe. If for example, I use an already used token instead of the customerID, I have an error in both. So the connection seems to work I assume, maybe there is something which I do wrong in the iOS class. Thank you!

have you reverted your Parse JavaScript SDK to 1.5.0? Anything past 1.5.0 is no longer supported.

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