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What is the current Node.js driver for Cassandra?

I'm starting to use Cassandra Database, and I'm trying to find a decent node.js driver for that. But everything is very confusing, let me explain what I had found.

First driver I found is helenus , and I'd search for this one because that was the one that this book mention at the beginning (still reading). The book is not old; the first edition was released on December 29, 2013 . So should not be that outdated.

Then, on the helenus repository I found this message:

This driver uses the old Thrift protocol if you are using Cassandra 1.2 or higher and you are using CQL, please consider using node-cassandra-cql . While I will continue to fix bugs with this driver, feature development is frozen as many new features coming out will not be supported by Thrift.

So, logically I went to the node-cassandra-cql repository but another message appears:

This is not the driver you are looking for

node-cassandra-cql has graduated from community driver to being the foundation of the official Datastax Node.js Driver for Apache Cassandra.

At this point I was a little confused, everything appears to be changing too quick. I did a little more research, and I ended up with this three repositories:

  1. The Datastax driver (the one that jorgebay recommends on his repo)
  2. The node Cassandra client from Rackspace
  3. Apollo Cassandra (based on Datastax driver)

So, at this point I am a little confused, and I wanted to ask to the node.js community, what modules should I use for developing on Cassandra ? Why?

For what I'd see none of the above looks like production ready to me, but I am new to Cassandra so maybe (and for sure) I am wrong.

The book is not old; the first edition was released on December 29, 2013. So should not be that outdated.

2013 is a loonggggg time in Cassandra time.

Use the DataStax driver, it's full featured like the other DataStax drivers which means it has automatic failover, topology awareness, etc. etc.

If you want an ORM, Apollo may be a good choice in the near term until the DataStax driver gets an ORM. It's built on the datastax driver so you get the key features and performance.

The rackspace one's last commit was Aug 26, 2014 which should help you make a decision there...

Some history:

As Jorge mentioned, his community driver was absorbed by DataStax, transformed into the datastax driver and contributed back into opensource.

It's a lively community as you can see by the mailing list: https://groups.google.com/a/lists.datastax.com/forum/#!forum/nodejs-driver-user

Follow progress and report bugs/ideas on Jira! https://datastax-oss.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=11&projectKey=NODEJS&view=detail

Cassandra-co is another ORM inspired by Apollo Cassandra, actively maintained, and used at scale in production.

Disclaimer: I'm the author

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