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AngularJS drop down 2 level deep

Following are returned Json data from server:

 $scope.cities = response.data;


0: {id: 1, name: "Malaysia",…}
    city: [{id: 1, country_id: 1, city: "Kuala Lumpur"}, {id: 2, country_id: 1, city: "Selangor"},…]
        0: {id: 1, country_id: 1, city: "Kuala Lumpur"}
          city: "Kuala Lumpur"
          country_id: 1
          id: 1
        1: {id: 2, country_id: 1, city: "Selangor"}
          city: "Selangor"
          country_id: 1
          id: 2
   id: 1
   name: "Malaysia"
1: {id: 2, name: "Singapore", city: [{id: 11, country_id: 2, city: "Singapore"}]}
   city: [{id: 11, country_id: 2, city: "Singapore"}]
   id: 2
   name: "Singapore"

and in my views

<ui-select ng-model="cities.selected" theme="bootstrap">
    <ui-select-match placeholder="Select City">
    <ui-select-choices repeat="item in cities | filter: $select.search">
        <div ng-bind-html="item.city.city | highlight: $select.search"</div>

But I cant render the following way of drop down:

  - Kuala Lumpur
  - Selangor


Try this. Use nested ng-repeat and bind it in li tag.

<ui-select-choices repeat="item in cities | filter: $select.search">
        <div ng-bind-html="item.city.city | highlight: $select.search"</div>
<li ng-repeat="data in item.city">

try this

 <ui-select ng-model="cities.selected" theme="bootstrap">
        <ui-select-match placeholder="Select City">
        <ui-select-choices ng-repeat="item in cities | filter: $select.search">
      <div ng-bind-html="item.name| highlight: $select.search"</div>
            <li ng-repeat="data in item.city">

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