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Materialize Parallax Initialization on Meteor

I'm using materializecss as a front-end framework for my personal website I am currently developing. I used their starter Parallax template and everything works, but for some reason my Parallax images are not showing. I believe it has something to do with the initialization.

snippet of one of the parallax for the HTML:

<template name="parall">
    <div class="parallax"><img src="/public/background1.jpg">


if (Meteor.isClient) {

if (Meteor.isServer) {
    Meteor.startup(function () {
        // code to run on server at startup

Have you tried rendering your images with css?

.parallax {
 background-image: url("/background1.jpg");

Simply try removing "public" from your img src, and instead use "/background1.jpg". [ Assuming "public" directory is in your route project folder ].

You dont have to specify "public" while accessing resources stored in public directory. It is one among the few reserved directory names in meteor structure.


Wrap the div in a parallax-container as already posted

<div class="parallax-container">
    <div class="parallax"><img src="/images/parallax1.jpg"></div>

and add the following in your CSS


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