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WEBRTC : Adding stun/turn server configuration after RtcPeerConnection creation

Hi i have a problem while i am implementing trickle ice. We decided to wait just for host candidates while sending to initial offer because of c line ip issue. But how can we do it i couldnt find any event that " this types of candidates was finished so starting next types gatherings" . so we decided to

  • create a peer object but no stun /turn config
  • take host candidates ( waiting for the end because of no stun / turn config )
  • the. send initial offer
  • adding stun turn server config
  • and then we sent to new type of (reflexive or relay) candidates to server.

But we couldnt find how to add stun turn server config to existing object . In the firefox docs "Events such as adding a new interface or a new TURN server will cause the state to go back to gathering." but we couldnt find

Any different approach to that problem would be accepted.

在对等连接生命周期内添加TURN服务器是通过http://w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc/#widl-RTCPeerConnection-setConfiguration-void-RTCConfiguration-configuration完成的-但是afaik Chrome和Firefox都尚未实现。

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