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Require dynamic class using namespace in PHP

I was studying a couple PHP frameworks and then decided to build my own, of course. But i'm facing one issue. I have a Router class that handles dynamically the HTTP requests and it basically explodes the URL into elements dividing it by the slash and storing it into an array, then a function is called to check if the first element is a valid Controller. If it is valid, the function should require it, but that's where i'm stuck, because it seems that i can't require a file like:

if (file_exists(CONTROLLERS_DIR . $this->url[0] . '.php')) { require \App\Controllers\$this->url[0] }

How can I require a file like that using namespaces?


"How can I require a file like that using namespaces?"
You can't. Namespaces have nothing to do with it.

"PHP Namespaces provide a way in which to group related classes, interfaces, functions and constants." ~ Namespaces overview

require is about file dependancies, regardless the namespace:

if (file_exists(CONTROLLERS_DIR . $this->url[0] . '.php')) { 
    require(CONTROLLERS_DIR . $this->url[0] . '.php');

EDIT : You might want to instantiate a class using a namespace and class name retrieved in run-time though, ie something like:

namespace \App\Controllers;
class C {
    protected $_i;
    public function __construct($i){ $this->_i = $i; }
    public function foo(){ echo $this->_i; }

and somewhere:

$className = "C";                   // or $className = $this->whatever...
$class = "\\App\\Controllers\\".$className;
$instance = new $class(7);
$instance->foo();                   // outputs 7

I've built couple of frameworks and I understand what you trying to do... Basically when you have some path for example "HelloWorld\\addComment"

You want to create controller instance


There are multiple ways to solve it, the one I like is:

Using spl autoloader http://php.net/manual/en/function.spl-autoload.php

In the link I provided you got the examples you need.

Then you can end up just doing

$controller = new \App\Controllers\HelloWorldController();

You should put the HelloWorldController at the right namespace + maintain directory structure matching the namespace


spl autoloader will do the right including for you, often the default implementation is sufficient - but it is easy to create your own spl autoloader and register it

Later you can test if the $controller has the method you need via method_exist or reflection...

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