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Redirect URL with mod_rewrite with variable

I am looking to get a rule setup to change one of my URL's. After much research I understand the basics of mod_rewrite . The trouble I am having is the dynamic URL that is being re written. I have outlined in as much detail possible the task and desired outcome.

I currently have a url that looks like this:


The {Username} is variable depending on which user you click on.

What I need to do is add /?my_posts to the end of that URL. This will then display the posts module by default for all users.

So all the users will follow the same URL pattern:


Apologies if I have missed anything.

I am using WordPress and have access to all files on the server.

Try this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$
RewriteRule ^my-canvas/[^/]+/?$ $0?my_posts [R=301,L,NC]

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