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Roxygen2 documentation in a knitr document

Assume a knitr (rnw) file with a code chunk

<<function, include=FALSE>>=
#' A simple function
#' @param foo Variable foo.
#' @param bar Variable bar. 
#' @return The product of foo and bar
product<-function(foo, bar) {

Now assume that you want to compile the document and in the resulting pdf have the function documentation included in a style similar to an Rd file. Would that be possible?

Based on @Yihui hints I made the solution below where you redefine the latex commands as you like and include rd2latex= as an option. The hack using roxygenize can properly be done better.

% Redefine latex commands for Rd output


<<ini, include=FALSE>>=
knit_hooks$set(rd2latex = function(before, options, envir) {
    if (before) {
      # hack: to run roxygenise() folders man, R and a DESC file must be created
      basePath <- normalizePath(".")
      manPath <- file.path(basePath, "man")
      rPath <- file.path(basePath, "R")
      writeLines("Package: tmp", fileConn)
      dir.create(rPath, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
      # save code to an R file
      fileConn<-file(paste0("R/",fName,".R") )
      writeLines(options$code, fileConn)
      # generate Rd file
      rdFiles <- list.files("man",full.names = TRUE)
      # convert to a latex file which can be included using \input{}
      if (options$rd2latex==TRUE) Rd2latex(rdFiles,out=paste0(fName,".tex"))
      else Rd2latex(rdFiles,out=paste0(options$rd2latex,".tex"))
      # remove working files
      unlink(c(manPath,rPath,"DESCRIPTION"), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)


<<function, include=FALSE, rd2latex='product'>>=
#' A simple function
#' @param foo Variable foo.
#' @param bar Variable bar.
#' @return The product of foo and bar
product<-function(foo, bar) {

A simple product function is:



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