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Error: The Info.plist in the package must contain the CFBundleIdentifier key

I'm trying to submit my iphone app using the altool. However, the following error is being prompted:

altool[18508:507] *** Error: (
    "Error Domain=ITunesConnectFoundationErrorDomain Code=-27000 \"The Info.plist in the package must contain the CFBundleIdentifier key.\" UserInfo=0x7f {NSLocalizedDescription=The Info.plist in the package must contain the CFBundleIdentifier key., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unable to validate your application.}",
    "Error Domain=ITunesConnectFoundationErrorDomain Code=-27001 \"The Info.plist in the package must contain the CFBundleVersion key.\" UserInfo=0x7f {NSLocalizedDescription=The Info.plist in the package must contain the CFBundleVersion key., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unable to validate your application.}",
    "Error Domain=ITunesConnectFoundationErrorDomain Code=-27002 \"The Info.plist in the package must contain the CFBundleShortVersionString key.\" UserInfo=0x7f {NSLocalizedDescription=The Info.plist in the package must contain the CFBundleShortVersionString key., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unable to validate your application.}",
    "Error Domain=ITunesConnectFoundationErrorDomain Code=-27000 \"The package does not contain an Info.plist.\" UserInfo=0x7f{NSLocalizedDescription=The package does not contain an Info.plist., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unable to validate your application.}"

I already verified that such keys ( CFBundleIdentifier , CFBundleVersion , CFBundleShortVersionString ) are in the Info.plist. In addition, I opened the Payload from the .ipa file (generated with xcodebuild and xcrun - command line) and could confirm that such keys also are in the Info.plist file.

The validation pass when I use the XCode to compile, archive and submit.

Any help?

My Xcode Version: 6.1.1 (6A2008a) OSX 10.9.5

I had the same issue.

"Error Domain=ITunesConnectFoundationErrorDomain Code=-27000 \"Could not find a CFBundlePackageType within the Info.plist; or the package is missing an Info.plist.\" UserInfo=0x7fe72051f3a0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Could not find a CFBundlePackageType within the Info.plist; or the package is missing an Info.plist., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unable to validate your application.}"

This issue was appeared when I've reworked my script for exporting *.ipa with a new exportOptionsPlist option. The old script worked OK with altool . The new didn't.

Old script:

xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa -archivePath "MyApp.xcarchive" -exportPath "MyApp.ipa" -exportProvisioningProfile "appstore-provision"

New script:

xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportOptionsPlist "tools/export-options.plist" -archivePath "MyApp.xcarchive" -exportPath "MyApp.ipa"

The problem was that the xcodebuild now creates MyApp.ipa/MyApp.ipa instead of MyApp.ipa .

I've changed -exportPath :

xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportOptionsPlist "tools/export-options.plist" -archivePath "MyApp.xcarchive" -exportPath "."

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