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How to push command by python fabric to multiple hosts?

I don't uderstand how to define multiple hosts in python fabric. I have a hosts.txt file contains a connection data in this form:

user@hostname:22 password
user@otherhost:22 password
user@thirdhost:22 password

and sample code:


import pprint
from fabric.api import *

for line in open('hosts.txt','r').readlines():
    host, passw = line.split()
    env.passwords[host] = passw

pprint.pprint( env.hosts )

def test():
 sudo("mkdir /a")


Unfortunately I'm getting message

No hosts found. Please specify (single) host string for connection

pprint shows me a proper hosts list. What should I do to perform my tasks to all hosts inside hosts.txt file?

I doing it wrong way. Instead of calling a function from a python file, i should run it from command line this way:

fab -f my_file_with_functions function_name

so this solves the problem

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