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How to Set date pattern in jquery datepicker

I have converted the datetime format based on client region. I have done it with below code using c#

   public CultureInfo GetDateFormat()
       var _CultureInfo = new CultureInfo(1043);
       return _CultureInfo;

   public string GetFormattedDateString(string _DateToFormat)
       string _tempDate = string.Empty;

       if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_DateToFormat))
           _tempDate = DateTime.Parse(_DateToFormat).ToString(GetDateFormat().DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern);
       return _tempDate;

this works fine. But if I use the same approach in jQuery datepicker it gives a different format.

Ex: In c#


in jquery


Below is the code for jQuery format change,

public string GetDateFormat()
    var pattern = new CultureInfo(1043).DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern;

    return pattern;

@Html.DatePicker(new { 
                    name = "filter.StartDate", 
                    value = Model.Filter.StartDate, 
                    data_bind = "value: StartDate", 
                    data_datepicker_options = "{dateFormat: '" + GetDateFormat() + "'}" 

above is the razor code which creates the date picker.

Is there a way to get same date format in c# and datepicker output?

In your datepicker you could add this

dateFormat: 'dd-MM-yyyy'

to change the format

or in your model you could add this

 [DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode = true, DataFormatString = "{0:dd-MM-yyyy}")]

on top of it

-See also this post . Its very useful for dateformats in razor.

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