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understanding how laravel interprets blade form url?

I have the below form in a larvel view:

<div id="admin">

    <h1>Products Admin Panel</h1><hr>

    <p>Here you can view, delete, and create new products.</p>

    {{ Form::open(array('url'=>'admin/products/create' , 'files'=>true)) }}
        {{ Form::file('image') }}
    {{ Form::submit('Create Product' , array('class'=>'secondary-cart-btn')) }}
    {{ Form::close() }}

</div>  <!-- end admin -->

I am new to laravel and basically just want to understand , in the URL when i specify 'url'=>'admin/products/create' , what is laravel going to look for ? a modal called products ? or a controller called products ? and a method getCreate or postCreate inside it ? what is admin then , i want to understand how laravel interprets this blade form url , can anybody explain ?

I want somebody to explain to me how does laravel interpret blade form url ?

In laravel,you will specify which url to be processed by which controller and by which method inside that controller.This specify must be do in routes.php file that is located in projectname/app/Http/routes.php .

When you specify the 'url'=>'admin/products/create' you must define the route in routes.php .

Route can be define in different ways like:


Here you can use get or post according to your request.

Another way you can do is

      'as'=> 'create-product',

Now , you can do like this route('create-product'); instead of 'url'=>'admin/products/create' .

Another way by using Route group

            'uses'=> 'ProductController@create'

      // Here you can define other route that have the url like /admin/products/*


Now you can do like route('create-product') or 'url'=>'admin/products/create' Advantage

For more info check the documentation Here

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