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How to dismiss and push new ViewController

In my application there is a floating button. Its function is to open available screens from anywhere.


Suppose I have 4 screens and in each screen their is floating Button.

1. Home Screen
2. Services Screen
3. Contact Screen
4. Events

Now suppose I have opened all screens. And currently I am in Contact Screen and I want to go to Services.

Then I have to push services again thus creating the object of Services Screen. This creates a problem as if the user gooes 10 times to Services then 10 new objects will be created.

How can I implement this scenario ?

My Code:

 if([sender tag]==1)
      [push home];

 else if([sender tag]==2)
      [push services];
else if([sender tag]==3)
      [push Contact];

     [push events];

Try with this.

UIViewController *popViewController = //assign here Services Screen or what view you want to back

BOOL isExist = NO;
for (UIViewController *viewController in self.navigationController.viewControllers) {
    if ([viewController isEqual:popViewController]) {
        isExist = YES;//exist view controller. so you should not create a new one
        [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];

if (isExist==NO) {//not exist view controller. so you should create a new one
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:YourViewController animated:YES];


@NSUser, sorry for not answering your exact problem, but I would recommend using UIPageViewController for "hosting" and presenting your content view controllers one at a time. Here is a conceptual document from Apple with essential description and how-to's. Good luck.

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