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Include in gulp file external files

I have a gulp file having the following structure:

// =============== helper JS stuff =============== 

var production = false;

var folders = {
    folder1: "./myfolder",
    folder2: "./myfolder2"...

function Module() {
 this.jsFiles = ...
 this.cssFiles = ...

var Modules = [
    new Module({ first: module }),
    new Module({ second: module })...]

// =============== Tasks =============== 

gulp.task('myTask', function(){ 
    //work with modules

I would like to separate (gulpfile.js) taks from other pure custom javascript things (in special from modules list) in (at least) three files:


-- gulpFolder

---- consts.js       // declare here dirs/folders/other constants
---- module.js       // helper 'Module' object declaration 
---- listModules.js  // a list of 'Module's to work with (to update)

-- gulpfile.js       // tasks definitions, works with the module list

Is it possible to just "import" into gulpfile.js just simple javascript files like described bellow (like consts.js , module.js etc)?

I tried to use the requireDir

var requireDir = require('require-dir');
var dir = requireDir('./website/!gulp'); // ?

but this code didn't seem to really "import" jsfiles... As I understand, require and requireDir works only with nodeJS modules/files...

In node, each javascript source file is a separate namespace. When you require a file, you can only access what that file has export -ed. This means you'll have to export from each of your other files. For example:


function Module() {
 this.jsFiles = ...
 this.cssFiles = ...
module.exports = Module; // export!


var Modules = [
    new Module({ first: module }),
    new Module({ second: module })...]

module.exports = Modules; // export!

Then in your main file you can access the code like this:

var Module = require("gulpFolder/module.js");
var Modules = require("gulpFolder/moduleList.js");

gulp.task('myTask', function(){ 
    //work with modules

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