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DataTable pagination does not work

I'm use DataTable to display my data by serverSide mode and ajax.
Everything is okay, but pagination doesn't work.

You can review the codes as follow:


<table id="table" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
            <td>First name</td>
            <td>Last name</td>


$(document).ready(function () {
        serverSide: true,
        ajax: {
            url: '<?php echo base_url(); ?>folder/class/method'
        processing: true,
        scrollY: 370,
        paging: true,
        bJQueryUI: true

The data that returned from server ( JSON ) as following:

    "draw": 1,
    "recordsTotal": 1208,
    "recordsFiltered": 10,
    "data": [
        ["1", "pando", "rewar", "pando@hotmail.com"],
        ["2", "chori", "raon", "m_chori@hotmail.com"],
        ["3", "Gorbat", "horiz", "horiz_555@yahoo.com"],
        ["4", "martin", "sokza", "martin_em5@gmail.com"],
        ["5", "dooz", "solda", "solda_m@gmail.com"],
        ["6", "maro", "meza", "r_meza@hotmail.com"],
        ["7", "nod", "ion", "nod_eam@yahoo.com"],
        ["8", "kaz", "loob", "kaz_007@hotmail.com"],
        ["9", "Barbara", "Elliott", "adipiscing@nonmassanon.org"],
        ["10", "Kendall", "Nathaniel", "ante.blandit@scelerisque.edu"]

All components of DataTable work fine, but the pagination not.

Parameter recordsFiltered must be equal to recordsTotal unless user performed a search. See manual for more information on sent and received parameters.

Also make sure you're returning the same value of draw parameter in the response. In JSON response value of draw parameter must match value of draw parameter from the request .

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