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Could not resolve host: >

I am trying to issue a curl command from python, from command line it works fine :

curl -k --data-binary @GetRequestData.xml -u archala:H@ror1987 https://wsgwtestmg.mass.gov:5550/service/mgmt/current > Response\generated_Resp.xml

but when I called it from python :

from sys import argv
import subprocess
# run python cache2.py hosts.txt Test
with open(argv[1]) as f:
  addresses = {i.split(" : ")[0] : i.split(" : ")[1] for i in f}

command = "curl -k --data-binary @GetRequestData.xml -u archala:H@ror1987 https://" +addresses[argv[2]].strip()+ ":5550/service/mgmt/current > Response\generated_Resp.xml"
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]

I got : Could not resolve host: >

with the help of swstephe , added shell=True, it worked.

someone mentioned using Requests is a better way, I will appreciated if someone gave me the same using Requests. Thanks.

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