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jQuery how to select div number x from a series of divs

I have a number of divs in a container like so:

<div class="container">
    <div class="item"></div>
    <div class="item"></div>
    <div class="item"></div>
    <div class="item"></div>
    <div class="item"></div>

I want to be able to select divs 2 and 3 using jquery and assign a class to them. I know how to use .addClass, but I don't know how I select specific divs



Use $('.item').slice(1,3) to get a range like in already posted answer or alternatively, you could use as selectors :lt & :gt :


 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div class="container"> <div class="item">1</div> <div class="item">2</div> <div class="item">3</div> <div class="item">4</div> <div class="item">5</div> </div> 

You can use eq().

$('.container div:eq(1), .container div:eq(2)').addClass('red');

This will select item 2 and 3 and update their class in one go.

Use Jquery slice method ! please see the below codes

html codes :

<div class="container">
    <div class="item"></div>
    <div class="item"></div>
    <div class="item"></div>
    <div class="item"></div>
    <div class="item"></div>

javascript codes :


Run jsfiddle! here " https://jsfiddle.net/gLeagw8s/ "

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