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Firefox add-on works with “jpm run”, but not whith .xpi file generated with “jpm xpi”

I'm using the Firefox Add-on SDK to develop a Firefox add-on. I have followed the Getting Started tutorial .

Firefox version : 41.0.2
My Process is :

  1. jpm run --> OK the add-on works fine
  2. jpm xpi --> OK : Create @myAddon.xpi (JPM [info] Successfully created .xpi at ...)
  3. Use of @myAddon.xpi --> NOK
    When I tried to install the add-on in my Firefox ( Add-on -> install from file -> @myAddon.xpi ), I have a message "Install successfully". Looks good. BUT, the add-on doesn't work. Nothing happens.

So, why is the test with jpm run OK, but does not work after installing the .xpi file???

I can share the code with you, but how can this situation happen? If it works in test, I expect that it works in "release". I get no error or warning.

High Level :

Index.js :

    include: "*",
    contentScriptFile: [data.url("jquery-1.11.3.min.js"), data.url("./Compute.js")],
    onAttach: function (worker) {
        var currentUrl = tabs.activeTab.url;
        param = currentUrl;
            url: param,
            onComplete: function (response) {
                var parsed = JSON.parse(response.text);
                worker.port.emit('got-request', parsed);


self.port.on('got-request', function (data) {

Edit (moved from comments):
I find something interesting.... Depending on the level of privacy in FireFox the addon will work or not. ( Options->Privacy->History "Remember history " or "Never remember history") - Remember history " --> addOn OK - "Never remember history" --> addOn NOK Any idea why

As you have determined, if you desire your Firefox Add-on SDK add-on to work in Private Browsing mode you need to have add the key private-browsing with a value of true in your package.json file.

If you are using no other permissions , you could add a line to your package.json file that looks like:

"permissions": {"private-browsing": true}

The Firefox documentation on writing SDK add-ons for private browsing mode specifically states that the require("sdk/private-browsing").isPrivate() method will return true when any of the following is the case (emphasis mine):

  • a private window, or
  • a tab belonging to a private window, or
  • a worker that's associated with a document hosted in a private window
  • any window, tab, or worker if the browser has been configured to never remember history (Options->Privacy->History)

If you do not have "private-browsing": true , then, as the documentation states , the following will be the case (emphasis mine):

  • the windows module will not list any private browser windows, generate any events for private browser windows, or let the add-on open any private browser windows
  • the tabs module will not list any tabs that belong to private browser windows, and the add-on won't receive any events for such tabs
  • any ui components will not be displayed in private browser windows
  • any menus or menu items created using the context-menu will not be shown in context menus that belong to private browser windows
  • the page-mod module will not attach content scripts to documents belonging to private browser windows
  • any panel objects will not be shown if the active window is a private browser window
  • the selection module will not include any selections made in private browser windows

The net effect will be that your add-on will appear to not work when the profile you are using is configured to never remember history without having the "private-browsing": true permission in your package.json .

If you do put that permission in your package.json file, you must use the private-browsing module, require("sdk/private-browsing").isPrivate(object) , to check for being in a private window or tab. If you are in such a window or tab you need to not store any information about such environment.

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