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How to debug angular library error?

I'm using Angular in a website in which I just upgraded angular , angular-route and angular-ui-router to the latest bower versions. But suddenly I get this error in the console:

TypeError: a.remove is not a function
    at Object.H.removeListener (main.js:7)
    at Object.b.module.service.a.removeEvents (angular-google-maps.min.js?version=2.2.1:5)
    at angular-google-maps.min.js?version=2.2.1:8
    at n.a.$get.n.$broadcast (angular.js:16311)
    at n.a.$get.n.$destroy (angular.js:15923)
    at j (angular-ui-router.min.js?version=0.2.15:7)
    at angular-ui-router.min.js?version=0.2.15:7
    at angular.js:7554
    at k (angular-ui-router.min.js?version=0.2.15:7)
    at angular-ui-router.min.js?version=0.2.15:7

The problem is now that I'm unsure of how to debug this. In the trace above I see two libs: angular-ui-router and angular-google-maps . Should I start looking through the source of these libs, or is there something I'm missing in this trace which shows me how to solve this?

All tips are welcome!

[EDIT] As suggested in the comments by @charlietfl I checked the dependencies of angular-google-maps in the bower.json file:

"dependencies": {
    "angular": "1.2 - 1.4",
    "angular-simple-logger": "~0.0.1",
    "lodash": ">=3.8.0"

Currently I've got:

  • angular version 1.4.7
  • angular-simple-logger version 0.0.4
  • lodash version 3.10.1

From this only angular-simple-logger seems to be off. But I'm unsure what to do from here. Should I downgrade angular-simple-logger to version 0.0.1, should I change "~0.0.1", to ">=0.0.1", or is there anything else I could do?

I can't see your source code, so this looks like it might be pretty specific to your application. Especially with ui-router , state parameters can muck up a lot of things.

If this were my application, I would first turn these settings on in the Chrome debugger.


Then I would run the code and step through until the exception was thrown in angular-ui-router.min.js , since that's furthest back in the stack trace.

To make things readable, you click this handy button:


It might not be the quickest solution, but it will get you the details you need to further diagnose the problem.

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