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Phonegap Plugin not working (cordova-plugin-purchase)

My first Phonegap App. Everything working well except for plugins. I'm trying to install the cordova-plugin-purchase Plugin.


I've followed the instructions. And when I run "phonegap plugins" in the console it shows the plugin as being installed.

According to the documentation, there is suppose to be a "store" object that I can reference. I set up the following code to test if it's working:

try {

      id: "my.reverse.item.example",
      alias: "example name",
      type: store.CONSUMABLE

} catch(err) {



On my real project, I have the real info in when registering the product, but I can't even get that far. In my TryCatch it returns the following alert:

"Can't find variable: store".

So it seems that the plugin isn't even installed correct. I'm not to phonegap plugins, so there's probably something very basic that I'm missing. Do I have to include a link to the plugin JS in my index.html file?

I ended up figuring out the problem. It seems to be that I didn't include the cordova.js file in my index.html. I don't see why I needed to do that since I've read over and over that you don't need to manually add the cordova files to your html files.

So the plugin works now and I can receive the store data that I setup using the cordova-plugin-purchase plugin tutorials.

Another thing to note once you actually have the plugin installed correctly: The Bundle Identifier in Xcode needs to match the bundle ID for the In App purchases you are trying to connect to.

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