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AngularJS - Access $statParams from a parent controller with UI-Router

I have a rather complicated prototype app that I have been asked to throw together... now in my app I have some routes / states defined using UI-Router, here is some code from my app.js file, you can see one parent and child route / state:

.state('myapp.loggedInHome.contacts.default', {
        url: '/:profileId', // this could be myurl.com/home/contacts/31333194
        template: '<ui-view/>',
        publicAccess: false
// nested state for contacts profile...
.state('myapp.loggedInHome.contacts.default.news', {
    url: '/news',  // this could be myurl.com/home/contacts/31333194/news
    templateUrl: '/prototype/app/people/views/news.html',
    publicAccess: false,
    controller: 'VisitorsNewsCtrl'

Now in the VisitorsNewsCtr l controller I want to access the :profileId as defined in the parent root... however when I try to access this using the $stateParams service I get undefined ! What am I doing wrong in my controller?

.controller('VisitorsCtrl', ['$scope', '$stateParams', 
    function ($scope, $stateParams) {

      console.log($stateParams.profileId); // this is undefined as 
                                           // $stateParams is an empty object

I am redirecting to this state like so...

$state.go('myapp.loggedInHome.contacts.default.news', { profileId: 123456 } );

however the value for profileId is undefined? But the value appears in the URL!

You need to add the potential params to the url in your state definition like this: url: '/news/:profileId'

If you use $state.go('myapp.loggedInHome.contacts.default.news', {profileId: 1234}) you should then be able to access $stateParams.profileId

Example definition:

    .state('contacts.detail', {
        url: "/contacts/:contactId",
        templateUrl: 'contacts.detail.html',
        controller: function ($stateParams) {
            // If we got here from a url of /contacts/42
            expect($stateParams).toBe({contactId: "42"});

I managed to get the value by using the $state object!

Like so...

.controller('VisitorsCtrl', ['$scope', '$state', function ($scope, $state) {


Honestly (despite two other answers) the problem is, that this defintion:

.controller('VisitorsCtrl', ['$scope', '$stateParams', 
  function ($scope, $stateParams) {


Is about controller 'VisitorsCtrl' . While the state says 'VisitorsNewsCtrl' :

.state('myapp.loggedInHome.contacts.default.news', {
    url: '/news',  // this could be myurl.com/home/contacts/31333194/news
    templateUrl: '/prototype/app/people/views/news.html',
    publicAccess: false,
    controller: 'VisitorsNewsCtrl'

So, if the controller will match I am sure that the syntax with $stateParams will work

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