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IIS Express command line ASP.NET MVC 6 beta 8

I created an ASP.NET MVC 6 beta 8 application and when I click debug in Visual Studio 2015 I can see IIS Express and the site works properly.

But if I try and launch IIS Express from the command line pointing to the right applicationHost.config file I get and error, does something else need to be added?

C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IIS Express>iisexpress /config:D:\\Programming\\Projects\\WebApplication1.vs\\config\\applicationHost.config /siteid:3

HTTP Error 502.3 - Bad Gateway

There was a connection error while trying to route the request.

Most likely causes: •The CGI application did not return a valid set of HTTP errors. •A server acting as a proxy or gateway was unable to process the request due to an error in a parent gateway.

Things you can try: •Use DebugDiag to troubleshoot the CGI application. •Determine if a proxy or gateway is responsible for this error.

Detailed Error Information:

Module httpPlatformHandler

Notification ExecuteRequestHandler

Handler httpPlatformHandler

Error Code 0x80070002

I would:

  • hit Debug in VS
  • go to the Task manager -> Details
  • right click header row -> Select columns
  • select "Command line"
  • observe

In my case the command line is:

C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IIS Express\\iisexpress.exe" /config:"C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\myproject.vs\\config\\applicationhost.config" /site:"myproject" /apppool:"Clr4IntegratedAppPool

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