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Typescript: Data bind between service and controller such that utilization of variable is simple

Since value assignment doesn't bind data, this -> this.arrayVal = someService.arrayVal doesn't work. Is there a way to overcome this?

The goal here is to keep the assignment simple in HTML and controller ie. using Ctrl.arrayVal instead of Ctrl.someService.arrayval


module Controllers {
    export class SomeController {

    arrayVal: Array<SomeModel>;

    static $inject = ['someService'];
    private someService: SomeService
         this.arrayVal = someService.arrayVal; 
//I would like to do this as it would keep the assignment simple in HTML -> Ctrl.arrayVal vs Ctrl.someService.arrayval



class SomeService {
     arrayVal = $http.get('http://Address');

Ctrl.arrayVal instead of Ctrl.someService.arrayval

You can just put someService directly on the scope. Then use someService.arrayVal in html and controller.

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