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yii dataprovider pagination after post

I have a search form. I would like to pagination the result.

$criteria something like this:

     if($_POST["tipus"] != 4){
        if($_POST["varos"] != 0){
            $criteria->compare('`apartman`.`city`', $_POST["varos"], true);
        if($_POST["ferohely"] != 0){
            $criteria->compare('t.ferohely', $_POST["ferohely"], true);

My dataprovider:

     $dataProvider= new CActiveDataProvider('UserAndApartman', array(
                        'defaultOrder'=>'t.id DESC',


 $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(

So if i click on the second page, the post doesn't come again. How can i post it automatic?Can i get the $dataprovider with pagination?

You're using $_POST, the $_POST['tipus'] and other data is lost when you're navigating to the next page, since you're not posting it to page 2, 3 etc. You can do two things:

Store the $_POST['tipus'] in a session, so the next page 'knows' what year it has to use. Store it in the url as a $_GET parameter, so instead of $_POST['tipus'] use $_GET['tipus']. When you navigate to page 2, the $_GET['tipus'] is available in the url on the next page. The last one is the easiest one i think, and that's how i usually use it. IF you use the get method, change the CActiveForm line to this:

 <?php $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
             'method' => 'get'
    )); ?>

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