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creating dynamic element in html using javascript

Am creating elements dynamically using

var eType = "div";

is there anyway to validate the provided string is an equivalent html tag.

if i provide something like var eType = "idv"; it has to send an error.

Any workarounds to check that.

var validTags = ['div'];
function is_tag(tag) {
    return validTags.indexOf(tag.trim().toLowerCase()) > -1;

Something like this?

//Check there if it's an html tag: 

if (eType == "div"){


function isValid(input) {
   return document.createElement(input).toString() != "[object HTMLUnknownElement]";


Not enough rep to flag, but duplication source: Verify whether a string is a valid HTML tag name

You can write a function to have included all valid tagNames and then see if [object HTMLUnknownElement]

function isValidHTMLTag(tagName, allowObsolete) {   //  use `-1` as second parameter to completely bypass allowObsolete check
    var obsolete = ['acronym', 'applet', 'basefont', 'bgsound', 'big', 'blink', 'center', 'dir', 'font', 'frame', 'frameset', 'hgroup', 'isindex', 'listing', 'marquee', 'multicol', 'nextid', 'nobr', 'noembed', 'noframes', 'plaintext', 'spacer', 'strike', 'tt', 'xmp'];
    return tagName.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/) ? !1 : -1 !== allowObsolete && -1 !== obsolete.indexOf(tagName) ? allowObsolete || !1 : "[object HTMLUnknownElement]" !== Object.prototype.toString.call(document.createElement(tagName));

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