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Azure PowerShell cmdlet into Strings

Just a quick question. I am running lines of code like,

$publicIP = Get-Content (Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $servicename -Name $vmsname | Get-AzureEndpoint | Select { $._vip })
$OSDisk = Get-Content (Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $servicename -Name $vmsname | Get-AzureOSDisk)

And it does get me the IPAddress or the variables, but when trying to put the value into a csv cell, it fails. I think it is because it tries to add the extra labels, but I do not know how to get just the string and set the variable as just that. Does anyone know how to remedy this?


If the output with:

Get-AzureVM -servicename "vm1" -name "vm1" | Select DNSName | Out-String

is like this:


How do I just put in " http://example.cloudapp.net/ " as a CSV-entry? Right now it is trying to put all of the code block into the CSV which is giving me awful formatting erros.

Select is an alias for Select-Object and allows you to take one or more properties from an object and creates a new object with them.

If you want to expand a property into just the value, use the -ExpandProperty parameter:

Get-AzureVM -servicename "vm1" -name "vm1" | Select -ExpandProperty DNSName 

Should give you just http://example.cloudapp.net/

Also, when you want to send data to a CSV, you can pipe objects to the cmdlet Export-CSV which will use the property names as headers and the objects in the array as rows and the properties as columns.


Get-ChildItem -File | Select Name, Size | Export-Csv c:\temp\filelist.csv

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