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Execute jQuery only on homepage

I am trying to trigger a button click on pageload with the piece of jQuery below

 <script> jQuery(function(){ jQuery('#clickson').click(); }); </script>

It works perfectly but I have this button id on every page, how can I use it such that it only triggers on homepage and subdomain homepages.

For example it should only fire on example.com, subdomain1.example.com, subdomain2.example.com and NOT on any other pages like example.com/path, subdomain1.example.com/path, subdomain2.example.com/path

Try checking location.href for selected url

jQuery(function() {     
  var loc = location.href; 
  // if `location.href` is equal to  
  // "example.com","subdomain1.example.com", "subdomain2.example.com"
  // call `.click()` on `#clickson`
  if (loc === "example.com" 
      || loc === "subdomain1.example.com" 
      || loc === "subdomain2.example.com") {

 jQuery(function() { if (location.href === "http://stacksnippets.net/js") { jQuery("#clickson")[0].click(); } });
 #home { display:block; position:relative; top:400px; }
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"> </script> <a id="clickson" href="#home">click</a> <div id="home">home</div>

Since you said you were against hardcoded string approaches, heres a simple bit of code that will accept an array of pages. location.pathname is the section of the url coming after the domain and before the query string. to my knowledge, it is implemented in every browser i have ever encountered.

var pages=['/','/home'];
for(var i=0;i<pages.length;i++)
        //do stuff you want here
        break; //terminates the loop on first match

Use regex to match currect URL:

var href = window.location.href;
var regex = /(example\.com)$/i; // find only example.com at the end of URL

if ( regex.test(href) ){
  // if passed
  // do jQuery stuff here

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