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How to retrieve a route pattern from a route name in a Symfony Controller

I would like to basically get the same result as Twig's function path(routeName) but not in the view.html.twig but inside a controller itself.

routing.yml :

pattern:  /dummy/first/{foo}
defaults: { _controller: MyBundle:Dummy:First }
  _method:  GET
  foo: \d+

pattern:  /dummy/second/{foo}/{bar}
defaults: { _controller: MyBundle:Dummy:Second }
  _method:  GET
  foo: \d+
  bar: \d+

controller.php :

class DummyController extends Controller {

  public function firstAction($foo) {
    // do some stuff
  public function secondAction($foo, $bar) {
    // do some stuff

  public function anotherAction() {
    $firstRoutePattern = some_magic_function("MyBundle_route_first");
    // "/dummy/first/{foo}"

    $secondRoutePattern = some_magic_function("MyBundle_route_second");
    // "/dummy/second/{foo}/{bar}"


Any help or link to a related topic would be much apreciated.

Have a good day :-)

看看这个方法: 生成

$firstRoutePattern = $this->container->get('router')->generate('MyBundle_route_first', array('foo' => $foo));

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